A container is a virtualization technology used to implement scale-out applications that require greater efficiency and scalability. This course starts with covering Docker technology and how to deploy your .NET applications in Docker containers. You will learn about the microservice architecture and how containers are used in this model.
Developing Microservices with Containers, Kubernetes & Microsoft Azure
Who should attend this course?
This course is intented for experienced .NET Developers who would like to get acquainted with Containers and Microservices on Azure.
Experienced in .NET
What is this Container-thing developers are talking about? And why should you use it? In this module you will get an overview of what containers are, and how to use them on and with Windows and Linux.
- Why Containers?
- Containers vs Virtual Machines
- Linux, Windows and Hyper-V Containers
- Container Orchestration
A container needs to be hosted and run on a container runtime. Multiple options exist here like rkt, CloudFoundry cr, … In this course we will focus on the most popular one: Docker. You will learn how to create, run and scale containers using Docker.
- Running Docker
- Containers, Images and Registries
- Building an Image
- Port Mapping and Volumes
- Container Orchestration
- LAB: Simple node.js in Docker
Add ASP.NET Applications to Containers
Now that you know what a container is, how do you get your applications in a container? You will learn how to create Docker containers with your ASP.NET application in it and how to run and debug them.
- .NET or .NET Core?
- Official .NET Docker Images
- Working with Databases
- Tools
- LAB: File Uploader
Azure for Container Overview
Azure has many constructs that have to do with containers and microservices. It’s a bit overwhelming, really. This topic will help you separate the sheep from the goats, to figure out exactly what you need.
- Azure Container Registry
- Hosting Containers: Container Instances, AKS, Service Fabric
- Deploy with Containers: Web Apps, Batch and Functions
Microservice Architecture
How do you chop your application into multiple smaller components, called “microservices”, and why would you do that? We will show how to create microservice-applications, and introduce you to some key concepts of microservices like data isolation, resiliency and communication.
- Dealing with Evolution in an Application
- Benefits and Drawbacks
- Scaling
- Versioning
- Communication: client-microservice, service-service, event-based
- Data Isolation per microservice
- Migration from a monolith
- Securing Microservices
When using containers for microservices, you will end up with many containers on many machines. Kubernetes is an open-source endeavor for handling this job. In this topic we dive into this popular orchestrator.
- Kubernetes Cluster
- Kubectl and YAML
- WorkLoads: Pods and Deployments
- Communication: Services and Ingresses
- Scaling and Updates
- Health Monitoring
- LAB: Set up your first Kubernetes Cluster
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
After creating your microservice application, you need to get it in the cloud. Using Azure we have several ways of doing this, but Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) offers the most possibilities. In this module you learn how to use Azure Kubernetes Service.
- Putting a Kubernetes Cluster in Azure
- AKS Features
- Using Helm Charts
- LAB: Using Kubernetes on Azure
Bridge to Kubernetes
Bridge to Kubernetes allows you to run and debug your containers locally while being surrounded by all other microservice containers in your cluster. You can experiment and test integration without breaking your fellow services.
- Debugging in AKS
- Bridge to Kubernetes Concept
- Using Bridge to Kubernetes
- Client-side Tooling
- Working in Isolation in a Shared Development Environment
- Routing
API Gateways
This module will give you some insights how to create an API Gateway for your microservices. Using an API Gateway makes building an client application a lot easier.
- Benefits and Drawbacks
- Implementation Options
- Azure API Management
Asynchronous Communication
In this module, you will learn what event-based communication is and why it’s such a great fit for microservices.
- Communication Patterns
- Event-Based Communication
- Event Bus
- Integration Events
- Eventual Consistency
- Azure Service Bus
- LAB: Outbox Pattern
Synchronous Communication
In this module, you will learn how to make synchronous communication more reliable by using a number of patterns.
- Problems with Direct Communication
- Retry
- Circuit Breaker
- Sidecar Pattern
- Service Mesh
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