Provide help to secure, centralized identity management services to coordinate user authentication and authorization with client systems, network services, and Windows domains. Red Hat Security: Identity Management and Authentication (RH362) provides the skills to configure and manage Identity Management (IdM), the comprehensive identity management component bundled with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Some topics covered in this course are central management and provisioning of user accounts; design and installation of IdM server topologies; operation of the integrated DNS and TLS Certificate Authority services; management of two-factor authentication, smart card authentication, and operation as a single-sign on provider; integration and management of two-way trusts with Active Directory; and troubleshooting and disaster recovery planning. Registration of Linux clients to IdM and operation in enterprise environments that use both Linux and Microsoft Windows clients and servers is discussed. This course helps students to gain the skills with this technology most requested by customers.
IT Training
Visualize your projects with Visio WBS/RBS organization charts
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This MS Visio Course, axed on project management, focuses on the creation of WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) to break down…