IT Training

Test Automation with Selenium

Open source test automation tools are more and more used for testing web application. Selenium is the market leader as open source web application test automation tool. It is a robust set of tools that supports rapid development of test automation for web-based applications. This tool is primarily developed in Java Script and browser technologies and hence supports all the major browsers on all the platforms. Live virtual classes

Who should attend this course?

This course is intended for test automation specialists and development specialists and any other person involved in test automation with Selenium.


Experience with programming or scripting is required. The Java recap will not explain the basic concepts of programming, but will recap the most important Java syntax. The exercises of this course are based on the Java Webdriver, but attendees with C# knowledge can easily follow the course.

This course explores the different parts of Selenium which is needed to better understand how test cases are created and executed. Based on Java examples and demos, the attendees will learn how you can create and execute a Selenium Test script. Course attendees will see how a test automation framework could be created for Selenium test scripts and will get a clear insight into the different design patterns.

The goal of this course is to learn the basics about Selenium and to understand how a Selenium test script is created, executed and maintained.

Day 1

  • Overview products: Selenium IDE, WebDriver, Selenium Grid
  • Recap Java syntax
  • WebDriver interface
  • WebElement interface
  • Alert interface
  • How to work with frames
  • WebDriver wait and Ajax
  • Introduction to JUnit: Hooks and demo

Day 2

  • Test Automation Framework
  • PageObject Design patterns
  • Task & Flow Design patterns
  • DriverManager Design patterns
  • Hands-on coaching on demo website

Practical information


2 Days




€ 1150 + 3% VAT


Classroom Course


Guaranteed to run

Sessions in English
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